A childcare centre or a kindergarten schools involves a lot of work that needs continuous concentration towards children. This leaves professionals working at the centre with very little time for other administrative tasks. A Daycare App can be handy is such cases as it handles most of the official work.
This software can help the centre manager and owner in many ways. Few of them include:
- Employee attendance: A daycare sign in and out software, helps in keeping track of ‘in and out time’ of each employee. This process helps in keeping track of attendance and thus help in calculating the salary and leaves of all employees.
- Online enrolments: The app reduces manual work and increases sustainability by creating and maintaining all records with the latest technologies like cloud based platforms.
- Online payments: The app should provide parents with luxury of online payment. It will help parents to pay fees at their convenience, any time during the day. Since it is cloud based, the records will be manually updated without any human intervention.
- Online waiting list: A waiting should be integrated with the website that is connected to the childcare app. The software should automatically prioritize and keep updating the list on the site.
- Learning observations: Photos and videos of children, learning and playing should be sent to guardians through the guardian module. Achievements and outcomes of children should be updated to parents and guardians through a learning module.
- Customise staff access: The staff accessed to various records should be customised depending up on their personnel role. It not only gives them the flexibility to work from anywhere but also provides safety to sensitive records.
- Guardian communication: Guardians should be able to interact with staff. They should also be able to receive daily updates and alerts to keep families informed about children’s learning.
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